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A. ter Gunne, "Vlugtige gedachten over den Nederlandschen boekhandel" (Casual thoughts on the Dutch book trade), Deventer, 1846

Gunne, A. ter (auteur/author)
Gunne, A. ter (uitgever/publisher)
year: 1846

type: omslag
detail: nee
dimensions: 21,3 x 12,5 cm.
related terms: brochures boekhandel boekbanden
period: 20e eeuw
G: Boekhandel en uitgeverij

contents: Brochure by A. ter Gunne as a result of the competition by the Vereeniging ter bevordering van de belangen des boekhandels. According to him there was 'incontrovertible proof' of decline in the book trade of his time and it appeared to him that in the past 'there was in general much more to be earned with far less effort'.

source: Gunne, A. ter. - Vlugtige gedachten over den Nederlandschen boekhandel naar aanleiding der beantwoordingen van de heeren K. Fuhri en J.H. Gebhard, der prijsvraag uitgeschreeven door de Vereeniging ter bevordering van de belangen des boekhandels: "Bestaat er verval of kwijning in den boekhandel? ..." / A. ter Gunne. - Deventer: Ter Gunne, 1846, omslag
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 84 H 49

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek



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Definition: 1. small document, often about a topical subject. 2. non-serial publication with a size of at least 5, and at most 48, pages.