You have searched for %28creator+all+%22Fuks-Mansfeld+R.G.%22%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Search results nr. 1 to 10 of 14

1. De bibliotheek van de Portugees-Israelitische gemeente Talmud Torah te Amsterdam in 1640
Fuks, L. Fuks-Mansfeld, R.G. 1978
2. Hebreeuwse boekdrukkunst in Nederland
Fuks, L. Fuks-Mansfeld, R.G. 1980
3. Hebrew book production and booktrade in the Northern Netherlands and their German connections in the 17th century
Fuks, L. Fuks-Mansfeld, R.G. 1984
4. Hebrew typography in Leiden, 1585-1759
Fuks, L. Fuks-Mansfeld, R.G. 1979
5. Hebrew typography in the Northern Netherlands, 1585-1815: historical evaluation and descriptive bibliography
Fuks, L. Fuks-Mansfeld, R.G. 1984
6. Het 'heilig ambacht' in Amsterdam: titelbladen, colofons en rabbinale goedkeuringen als bron van gegevens over Joodse drukkers en zetters in de zeventiende eeuw
Fuks-Mansfeld, R.G. 1998
7. Joseph Athias als uitvinder
Fuks-Mansfeld, R.G. 1991
8. La typographie juive à Amsterdam au dix-septième siècle
Fuks-Mansfeld, R.G. 1994
9. Menasseh Ben Israel as a bookseller in the light of new data
Fuks, L. Fuks-Mansfeld, R.G. 1981
10. The first Hebrew types of Menasseh Ben Israel
Fuks, L. Fuks-Mansfeld, R.G. 1979