You have searched for %28copies%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Search results nr. 1 to 10 of 11

1. A bibliography of Menno Simons, ca. 1496-1561: Dutch reformer: with a census of known copies
Horst, I.B. 1962
2. An "Ars moriendi" with etchings by Romeyn de Hooghe: the history of a cycle of book illustrations; Part II: Later adaptions and copies
Coppens, Chris 1984
3. A note on loose-sheet copies folded in half
Janssen, Frans A. 2004
4. A note on loose-sheet copies folded in half
Janssen, Frans A. 1985
5. An unexpected Isaac Newton provenance
Rålamb, Per 2011
6. From Venice and Naples to Paris, The Hague, London, Oxford, Berlin....: the odyssey of the manuscript collection of Gerard and Johan Meerman
Heel J van 2007
7. Manuscript copies of printed works
Janssen, Frans A. 2011
8. Spinoza's posthumous works: an inventory of the copies now in the Netherlands
Schilte, Esmée Steenbakkers, Piet 2005
9. The "Gnotosolitos" of Arnold Geilhoven published by the Brothers of the Common Life in Brussels in 1476: observations on the surviving copies as evidence for the distribution
Cockx Indestege E 1999
10. The two copies of "Reynardus Vulpes", CA 978
Hellinga-Querido, Lotte Hellinga, W.G. 1968