U heeft gezocht op %28exchange%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Zoekresultaten nr. 1 tot 7 van 7

1. Drukkers en geleerden: de Leidse Officina Plantiniana (1583-1619).
Gulik, E. van 1975
2. Leiden University in the seventeenth century: an exchange of learning
3. Nederland en de internationale uitwisseling van geschriften
Brummel, L. 1930
4. Protestantism crossing the seas: a short-title catalogue of English books printed before 1801 illustrating the spread of Protestant thought and the exchange of ideas between the English-speaking countries and the Netherlands, held by the University Library of the VrijeUniversiteit at Amsterdam
Le Cat, Michel L.H.M. 2000
5. The bookshop of the world: books and their makers as agents of cultural exchange
Hellinga Querido Lotte 2001
6. The library
Hulshoff Pol, E. 1975
7. The Netherlands and the international exchange of publications
Brummel, L. 1957