U heeft gezocht op %28Boerhaave%29+and+%28Herman%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Zoekresultaten nr. 1 tot 4 van 4

1. Bibliographia Boerhaaviana: list of publications written or provided by H. Boerhaave or based upon his works and teaching: systematically arranged and compiled
Lindeboom, G.A. 1959
2. Boerhaave: author and editor
Lindeboom, G.A. 1974
3. De Boerhaave-herdenking 1668-1918
Burger Jr., C.P. 1919
4. De Boerhaave-tentoonstelling te Leiden: 30 Dec.-Jan. 1919
Kroon, J.E. 1919