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The Athenaeum Illustre in Amsterdam, 1664

Zesen, Ph. von (auteur/author)
Nosche, J. (drukker/printer)
year: 1664

type: prent
detail: nee
dimensions: 18,4 x 29,3 cm.
related terms: stadsbibliotheken bibliotheekgebouwen
period: 17e eeuw
J: Bibliotheken en instellingen

contents: The Athenaeum Illustre in Amsterdam, accommodated in the Agnietenkapel. Since 1632 it also housed, in the attic, the municipal library which had been put at the disposal of the Athenaeum Illustre. The library was housed in this chapel until 1838.

source: Zesen. Ph. von. - Filips von Zesen Beschreibung der Stadt Amsterdam [...], Amsterdam: Joachim Nosche, 1664, tussen p. 332 en 333.
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 552 J 15

©description: Dr Jos A A M Biemans Leiden
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek



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