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Triumphal procession held in Amsterdam on 19 June 1865 on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo

Kellen Jr., David van der (illustrator)
Last : C.C.A. (illustrator)
Emrik & Binger (drukker/printer)
Brinkman, F.H. (uitgever/publisher)
year: [1865]

type: prent
detail: nee
dimensions: 52 x 77 cm.
related terms: boekenbedrijf beroepsverenigingen
period: 19e eeuw
D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst

contents: On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo a triumphal procession was held on 19 June 1865 on the Dam in Amsterdam in which all kinds of associations could be seen on their floats. The typographical association 'De Nederlandse drukpers' was represented with a float (it can be seen on the right near the monument) in which a complete printing shop was set up from the time of Laurens Jansz. Coster. There was also a modern printing shop, a compositor's workshop and a bookshop.

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Amsterdam Bibliotheek KVB Universiteitsbibliotheek UVA



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