Search result 6 of 114

Page from the type specimen of Onnes, de Boer & Coers, Arnhem, [1865]

Onnes, H.B. (uitgever/publisher)
Boer, B.J. de (uitgever/publisher)
Coers, G.T. (uitgever/publisher)
Thieme, G.J. (drukker/printer)
year: [1865]

type: tekstbladzijde
detail: nee
dimensions: 25 x 17,5 cm.
related terms: letterproeven lettertypen
period: 19e eeuw
C: Paleografie, letterontwerp, lettertypen, lettergieten, schrift

contents: Onnes, De Boer & Coers was a type foundry in Arnhem which had taken over the firm of Oomkens, van Bakkenes and Damsté in Groningen in 1857. None of the three new owners had any experience with type founding and they initially continued to embroider on the type specimens of their predecessors.

source: Proeven der letter- en stereotyp-gieterij, graveerinrigting van Onnes, De Boer & Coers, Arnhem: Onnes, De Boer & Coers, [1865], p. 62
©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Amsterdam Bibliotheek KVB Universiteitsbibliotheek UVA


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