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Book once owned by Marcus Laurinus, with the inscription 'M. Laurini et amicorum'.

year: 1545

type: boekband
detail: nee
related persons: Laurinus, Marcus
related terms: particuliere bibliotheken boekbanden
period: 16e eeuw
F: Bindkunst

contents: Brown calf binding, tooled in black and silver with geometrical figures, and partly painted in black and white. The title of the book is tooled in gold bordered by a cartouche, also in gold, impressed in the middle of the front cover. It concerns a work by Cicero: 'Orationum, vol. primum', printed in Paris by S. de Colines in 1543. The book was once owned by Marcus Laurinus, that is Mark Lauweryn, one of the richest citizens of Bruges at the end of the sixteenth century..Just as his famous contemporary, the book collector Grolier, he had his bookbindings provided with his name and the additional 'et amicorum', that is 'and friends'. He indicated in this way that his books were not just private property, but that he wanted to make them available to others.

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek


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