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The comptoir-almanacs of Gillis Joosten Saeghman: research into seventeenth-century almanacs in the Dutch Republic
Salman, Jeroen
Verhoeven, Garrelt

in: Quaerendo, 23 (1993), p. 93-114

Saeghman, Gillis Joosten
17e eeuw

G: Boekhandel en uitgeverij
M0: Algemene werken: encyclopedieën, almanakken

signature: LHO AW.A 06b QUAE

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Saeghman, Gillis Joosten - biographical data

Name: Saeghman, Gillis Joosten
Name: G.J. Saagman, G.J. Zaagman, G. Joosten, G. Josten
address: Amsterdam 1643-1702

Saeghman, Gillis Joosten - biographical data

Name: Saeghman, Gillis Joosten
Name: Jodocus, Aegidius Joosten, Gillis Josten, Gillis Saagman, Gillis Joosten Zaagman, Egidius Jodocus Zaagman, Gillis Joosten
address: Amsterdam 1643-1702

Images about Saeghman Gillis Joosten

Office almanac, Amsterdam, 1671