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'Index librorum prohibitorum', title page of one of the many editions of the list of books forbidden by the Catholic Church, which was published since 1559.

Plantijn, Christoffel (drukker/printer)
year: 1570

type: titelblad
title page
detail: nee
related terms: Index librorum prohibitorum boekencensuur
period: 16e eeuw
K: Maatschappelijke aspecten van boekproductie en -verspreiding

contents: On 18 May 1569 Alva asked the bishops and the university of Louvain to compile a new list of books in preparation for a new edition of the Index. Together with the old list, Plantin published it in 1570. This edition of the Index did not have a legal basis. The edict by Philips II of 15 February (1570) was lacking in this edition. In this edict, the privilege of the printer was mentioned by which he obtained the monopoly on the publication of the edict, list and supplements for a period of six years.

source: Index librorum prohibitorum. Cum regulis confectis per patres a Tridentina Synodo delectos, Auctoritate Sanctiss. D.N. Pii IIII. Pont. Max. comprobatus. Cum Appendice in Belgio, ex mandato Regiae Cathol. Maiestatis confecta. - Antwerpen: Christoffel Plantijn, 1570.
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 1702 D 39

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek


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Index Librorum Prohibitorum

Definition: guideline drawn up by the Roman Catholic church for judging publications on dogmatic and moral grounds, combined with a list of, according to this guideline, forbidden books; existed from 1559 to 1966.