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Two pages with decrees for the booksellers published by the Provisionele Representanten van het volk van Holland, 1795

year: 1795

type: tekstbladzijde
detail: nee
dimensions: 21,5 x 26,4 cm.
related terms: boekenbedrijf overheidspublicaties kopijrecht privileges
period: 18e eeuw
D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst
G: Boekhandel en uitgeverij

contents: These decrees had been introduced as early as 1795, the first year of the "Batavian Freedom" and they were to apply to printers and booksellers in Holland. It would be 1798, however, before all the guilds were (provisionally) abolished.

source: Rapport van de Commissie tot onderzoek der requesten door verschillende boekverkopers [...] over het al of niet accordeeren van privilegien, recht van copy en prae-advertentie, enz. benevens het decreet [...] gearresteert [...] op den 25 november 1795. - Den Haag: 's Lands Drukkery van Holland, 1795, p. 22-23
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag pamflet 22519 a

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek



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printing privileges

Definition: right for the protection of printers and publishers against the illegal reproduction of printed matter before the introduction of the modern copyright.


Definition: exclusive rights, granted for a certain period, for the publication, distribution and sale of one single work or a certain category of works within the jurisdiction of the privilege-granting body; meant to protect the copyright of the publisher orauthor, and to control the production of the printed work.