Search result 6 of 22
The draughtsman and the woodcutter, second half 16th century Amman, Jost Amman (illustrator) Sachs, Hans (auteur/author) year: 1568 type: illustratie illustration detail: nee related terms: graveren period: 16e eeuw classification: E: Boekillustratie contents: The oldest way to illustrate a printed book is by means of woodcuts. Here it is shown how such a woodcut was made: the artist first produces a drawing on paper, subsequently the engraver cuts the image in a block of wood. Then the block is inked in the printing shop and printed. origineel: source: Amman, Jost en Sachs, Hans. - Eygentliche beschreibung aller Stände auff Erden, hoher und nidriger, geistlicher und weltlicher, aller Kunsten, Handwerken und Händeln. - Frankfurt am Main: S. Feyerabend, 1568, p. 16 en 17. ©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek ©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek |