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Zoekresultaten nr. 1 tot 4 van 4

1. A bookshop for a new age: the inventory of the bookshop of the Louvain bookseller Hieronymus Cloet, 1543
Delsaerdt Pierre 2001
2. De typografische bedrijvigheid te Antwerpen in de 16e eeuw
Voet, L. 1975
3. The Golden Compasses: a history and evaluation of the printing and publishing activities of the Officina Plantiniana at Antwerp; I: Christophe Plantin and the Moretuses: their lives and their world; II: The management of a printing and publishing house in Renaissance andBaroque
Voet, L. 1969
4. Van schrijven naar drukken
Obbema P F J 1996