Zoekresultaat 8 van 10

The diaspora of Armenian painting 1512-2012: Amsterdam-Yerevan 2012
Lane, J.A.

[Amsterdam] : Special Collections of the University of Amsterdam , 2012. - 219 p., ill.

Titel en tekst ook in het Armeens.
Publ. in collab. with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia. - Publ. in the context of the celebration of 500 years of Armenian printing and Yerevan World Book Capital, 2012. - Accompanies the exhibition held from June to September 2012 at the SpecialCollections of the University of Amsterdam, and from December 2012 to March 2013 at the National Library of Armenia in Yerevan.
Met lit. opg.

gelegenheidsuitgaven (vorm)

D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst

signatuur: LHO OD.A 52 AM AAA

signatuur: 4313314

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