U heeft gezocht op %28creator+all+%22Janssens-Knorsch+U.%22%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Zoekresultaten nr. 1 tot 6 van 6

1. A remarkable collection of English books in the Netherlands: the Bibliotheca Scheurleeriana, 1750-1763
Janssens-Knorsch, U. 1993
2. Commerce or culture?: the fate of the first circulating library in the Netherlands
Janssens-Knorsch, U. 1991
3. Commerce or culture?: the first circulating library in the Netherlands
Janssens-Knorsch, U. 1992
4. Matthieu Maty and the "Journal britannique", 1750-1755
Janssens-Knorsch, U. 1975
5. The mutual admiration society, or: Who reads whom in 18th-century journalism
Janssens-Knorsch, U. 1988
6. Tolerance in four Dutch periodicals 1714-1771: le "Journal britannique", The Hague 1750-1755
Janssens-Knorsch, U. 1983