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Zoekresultaten nr. 1 tot 9 van 9

1. A classified index of the fifteenth century books in the De Meyer collection
Bradshaw, H. 1889
2. Do changes in socialization lead to decline in reading level?: how parents, literary education, and popular culture affect the level of books read
Verboord, Marc Rees, Kees van 2003
3. Godfried van der Haghen (G.H.), the publisher of Tindale's own last edition of the New Testament in 1534-35
Bradshaw, H. 1889
4. "Het boec vanden vier inwendige oefeningen": a widely read incunabulum and postincunabulum
Mees, L.J. 1974
5. Het boek dat niemand las: in de voetsporen van Nicolaus Copernicus
Gingerich, Owen 2004
6. Lezende leken, of: lezen leken wel?: tekst, drukpers en lezersgedrag tussen middeleeuwen en moderne tijd
Pleij, H. 1996
7. List of the founts of type and woodcut devices used by the printers in Holland in the fifteenth century
Bradshaw, H. 1889
8. On two engravings on copper, by G.M., a wandering Flemish artist of the XV-XVIth century
Bradshaw, H. 1889
9. What and how did lay persons read, or: Did the laity actually read?: literature, printing and public in the Low Countries between the Middle Ages and modern times
Pleij, H. 1997