U heeft gezocht op %28national%29+and+%28libraries%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Zoekresultaten nr. 1 tot 10 van 15

1. Bookbindings and rubbings of bindings in the National Art Library, South Kensington Museum; I: Introduction
Weale W H J 1898
2. Bound to be beautiful
Camilleri, Maroma 1999
3. Crossing borders: national libraries in the digital world
Drimmelen W van 2005
4. De "Atlas Blaeu-Van der Hem": de verzamelde wereld van een 17de- eeuwse liefhebber
Groot, Erlend de 2001
5. Der "Atlas Blaeu" der Wiener National-Bibliothek
Ausserer, K. 1929
6. Dutch national bibliography 1540-1800: the STCN
Gruys, J.A. Vriesema, P.C.A. Wolf, Clemens de 1983
7. Europe's national libraries: 15 years of joint programmes
8. Grey areas in book historical research: can international co-operation offer a practical solution?
Proot, Goran 2003
9. Nederlandse boeken in het buitenland tentoongesteld
Eikeren, Johan H. van 1947
10. Retrospective national bibliography: operational projects and possible future developments in the Netherlands
Willemsen, A.W. 1991