U heeft gezocht op %28bibles%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Zoekresultaten nr. 1 tot 8 van 8

1. Bibles imprimées du XVe au XVIIIe siècle conservées à Paris
2. Deux traductions concurrentes de l'Ecriture Sainte: les Bibles flamandes de 1548
Gilmont, Jean-François 1984
3. Illustrations in early printed Latin bibles in the Low Countries (1477-1553).
Hollander, August A. den 2012
4. J.F. Stam, Amsterdam, and English Bibles
Johnson, A.F. 1970
5. J.F. Stam, Amsterdam, and English Bibles
Johnson, A.F. 1954
6. Maps in bibles, 1500-1600: an illustrated catalogue
Delano-Smith, C. Ingram, E.M. 1991
7. Newly discovered fragments from three 'made up' Delft Bibles of 1477
White, Eric Marshall 2007
8. The transition from manuscripts to printed books in the Netherlands: illustrated Dutch bibles
Hindman, Sandra 1975