U heeft gezocht op %28Venius%29+and+%28Otto%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Zoekresultaten nr. 1 tot 4 van 4

1. De "Emblemata Horatiana" van Otto van Veen
Sabbe, Maurits 1937
2. 'Dolci ire, dolci sdegni, e dolci paci': the role of the Italian collaborator in the making of Otto Vaenius's "Amorum emblemata" (1608)
Montone, Tina 2003
3. Les "Emblemata Horatiana" d'Otto Venius
Sabbe, Maurits 1935
4. Making a Chimera: invention, collaboration and the production of Otto Vaenius's "Emblemata Horatiana"
Thøfner, Margit 2003