You have searched for %28Korteweg%29+and+%28Anne%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Search results nr. 1 to 7 of 7

1. 'Als handschrift gedrukt'.
Gruys, J.A. 2007
2. Boekbanden in de Oranje-Nassaubibliotheek
Storm van Leeuwen, Jan 1988
3. Boek en Jeugd
Vries, Anne de 1998
4. Boeken van Oranje: de Oranje-Nassaubibliotheek ten tijde van Willem III
Kuijpers, J. Renting, Anne-Dirk 1988
5. Informatiecentrum Boek en Jeugd = Information Centre Boek en Jeugd/Dutch Centre for Children's Literature
Vries, Anne de 1998
6. The seventeenth-century Orange-Nassau library: the catalogue compiled by Anthonie Smets in 1686, the 1749 auction catalogue, and other contemporary sources
7. The seventeenth-century Orange-Nassau library: the catalogue compiled by Anthonie Smets in 1686, the 1749 auction catalogue, and other contemporary sources
Renting, Anne Dirk Renting-Kuijpers, J. T. C. 1993