4.1.5: 1830 - 1910 - Illustrations and decoration

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, a major new technique was added to the range of facilities available for the illustration of books and periodicals: lithography. This technique, invented by Alois Senefelder in Munich at the end of the eighteenth century, was to grow over a period of about thirty years into one of the most versatile printing techniques. The great advantage of lithography compared to existing techniques was the possibility for the illustrator to draw directly onto the stone. Illustrators such as Alexander Ver Huell (1822-1897) and Charles Rochussen (1814-1894) took full advantage of this new freedom and were freed from the interpretation of the reproductive engraver. The technique also turned out to be exceptionally suitable for colour printing which had been a fairly unwieldy technique until then, often resulting in hand colouring of illustrations.

As the printing of lithographs was faster and easier than the printing of etchings or engravings, the engraved title page disappeared as well and was initially replaced by a lithographic title page. Type foundries responded by producing such a wide range of ornamental letters that a separate print run for the decorated title page was no longer necessary.

Wood engraving was also introduced into the Netherlands around 1820. This technique, a major improvement on the woodcut, made much more detailed illustrations possible. When the precision of the illustration of books and periodicals mattered, wood engravings certainly played a major role. Engravers such as Alexander Cranendoncq (1799-1869) and Willem Bal (1808-1897) produced a steady flow of high-quality illustrations and publishers such as Fuhri and Sijthoff made an important contribution to the development of this technique.

There were two other major inventions besides lithography and wood engraving in the first half of the nineteenth century which were to have a large influence on the development of illustrative techniques: electrotype and photography, both in 1839. Electrotype was the predecessor of 'clip-art', the ready-made plate that could be used by anyone. The possibility of reproducing wood engravings by way of electrotyping also provided a great stimulus for the international trade in illustrations. 'Galvanos' were used as a cheap solution, particularly in illustrated periodicals.

Before photography could be used on a large scale for book illustrations, it first had to be made suitable for the production of plates. Processes were established in turn for photolithography (1855), collotype (1868), photo engraving (around 1870) and heliogravure (1879), which brought about a major improvement in the quality of reproductions. An acceptable solution to the initial difficulties with the reproduction of grey tones in book illustrations came with the invention of the halftone block (1882).

In addition to illustrations, the publisher had another method to make his products more attractive: the de luxe edition. Alongside the 'popular edition' he published an edition on better paper, in a larger size, with gold edging and sometimes with an exceptionally luxurious binding for the wealthier buyer.

author: J. de Zoete

Illustrations and decoration

Albert Sijthoff Stichting - biographical data

Name: Albert Sijthoff Stichting
address: Amsterdam
Period: 1998 - 1998
Period: geen

A. Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: A. Sijthoff
address: [S.l.]
Period: 1954 - 1954
Period: geen

A. Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: A. Sijthoff
address: Leiden
Period: 1881 - 1881
Period: geen

A. Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: A. Sijthoff
Name: A. Sijthoff jr.
address: Den Haag
Period: 1883 - 1965
Period: geen

A. Sijthoff & drukkerij W. Gaade - biographical data

Name: A. Sijthoff & drukkerij W. Gaade
Name: Firma A. Sijthoff, drukkerij W. Gaade
address: Delft
Period: 1935 - 1935
Period: geen

A.W. Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: A.W. Sijthoff
Name: A.W. Sijthoff's Uitg. Mij
Name: Sijthoff's Publishing Company
Name: Druck und Verlag von A.W. Sijthoff
Name: Sijthoff's Uitgevers-Mij.
Name: A.W. Sijthoff's Uitgevers-maatschappij
Name: Sijthoff
Name: A.W. Sythoff
Name: A.W. Sijthoff's Uitgeversmij.
Name: Sijthoff etc.
Name: A.W. Slijthoff's U.M.
Name: A.W. Sijthoffs
Name: Boekdrukkerij van A.W. Sythoff
Name: Société d'éditions A.W. Sijthoff
Name: Sijthoff
Name: A.W. Sijthoff's Uitgevers-maatschappij
Name: Boekdrukkerij A.W. Sythoff
Name: Société d'Éditions A.W. Sijthoff
Name: Albertus Willem Sijthoff
Name: Sijthoff
Name: A.W. Sijthof
Name: Sijthoff's Uitgeversmaatschappij
Name: Société d'Editions A.W. Sijthoff
Name: Sijthof
Name: Martinus Nijhoff (1898-1914)
Name: W. E. J. Tjeenk Willink (1973)
Name: E.J. Brill (1856)
Name: W. E. J. Tjeenk Willink (1973)
Name: Martinus Nijhoff (1872-1914)
Name: D. A. Thieme (1872-1878)
Name: Henri J. Stemberg (1880)
Name: Juridische Faculteit der Leidsche Studenten (1923)
Name: Nederlandsch Genootschap voor Internationale Zaken (1946)
Name: Rijks-Instituut voor Pharmacotherapeutisch Onderzoek (1921-1965)
Name: Haagsche afdeling van de Vereeniging voor Volkenbond en vrede (1924-1940)
Name: Faculty of Laws, Queen Mary College, University of London (1978)
address: Leiden
Period: 1816 - 1995
Period: 186X
Period: 187X
Period: 188X
Period: 189X
Period: 19XX
Period: 191X
Period: 197X
Period: 190X

A.W. Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: A.W. Sijthoff
Name: A.W. Sythoff
Name: Sijthoff
address: [S.l.]
Period: 1860 - 1974
Period: geen

A.W. Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: A.W. Sijthoff
address: Rotterdam
Period: 1878 - 1878
Period: geen

A.W. Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: A.W. Sijthoff
Name: Sijthoff
address: Utrecht
Period: 1989 - 1992
Period: geen

A.W. Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: A.W. Sijthoff
Name: GBA-projectbureau Sijthoff City
Name: Sijthoff
Name: Haagse Drukkerij Sijthoff
address: Den Haag
Period: 1856 - 1990
Period: 19XX

A.W. Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: A.W. Sijthoff
Name: Sijthoff
address: Alphen aan den Rijn
Period: 1974 - 1986
Period: geen

A.W. Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: A.W. Sijthoff
Name: Sijthoff
Name: Sijthoff Handelsdrukkerij
Name: Sijthoff handelsdrukkerijen
address: Rijswijk
Period: 1972 - 1988
Period: 198X

A.W. Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: A.W. Sijthoff
Name: Sijthoff
Name: Sijthof
address: Amsterdam
Period: 1875 - 1990
Period: geen

Boek & Plaat - biographical data

Name: Boek & Plaat
Name: Nederlandse Lezerskring
Name: NLK
Name: Nederlandse Lezerskring Boek en Plaat
Name: Becht, H. J. W.
Name: Callenbach, G. F.
Name: Goor & Zn, Van
Name: Hoeve, W. van
Name: Hollandia
Name: Kosmos
Name: Kramers, V. A.
Name: Manteau, A.
Name: Nelissen, H.
Name: Televizier
Name: Telegraaf, De
Name: Scheltens & Giltay
Name: Sijthoff, A. W.
Name: Bosch & Keuning
Name: Elsevier
Name: Gaade, W.
Name: Kampen & Zn, P. N. van
Name: Luitingh
Name: Veen, L. J.
Name: Roelofs van Goor, A.
Name: Jes, H.
Name: Giltay, J.
Name: Goossens, J.
Name: Schilt, Jan
Name: Kerckhoff, H. A. C.
Name: Trapman, N. J.
Name: Broek, J. van den
Name: Tof, M. S.
Name: Berg, H. W. van den
Name: Areopagus
address: Amsterdam
address: Diemen
Period: 1966-....
Period: 1979-....

D.A. Thieme - biographical data

Name: D.A. Thieme
Name: H.A. Tjeenk Willink (1857-1872)
Name: Martinus Nijhoff (1868-1878)
Name: A. W. Sijthoff (1872-1878)
Name: Henri J. Stemberg (1880)
address: Arnhem
Period: 1855 - 1873
Period: 186X

E.J. Brill - biographical data

Name: E.J. Brill
Name: E.I. Brill
Name: v/h E.J. Brill
Name: Boekhandel en Drukkerij, voorheen Brill
Name: Buchhandlung und Druckerei vormals E.J. Brill
Name: Boekhandel en Drukkerij voorh. E.J. Brill
Name: Boekdrukkerij voorheen E.J. Brill
Name: N.V. Boekhandel en Drukkerij (voorheen Brill)
Name: Boekhandel en drukkerij voorheen E.J. Brill
Name: Boekhandel en Drukkerij v.h. Brill
Name: Brill
Name: vh. Brill
Name: Boekhandel en Drukkerij voorheen Brill
Name: vh. E.J. Brill
Name: E.J.B. Brilll
Name: Voorheen E.J.Brill
Name: J.E. Brill
Name: N.V. Boekhandel en Drukkerij voorheen E.J. Brill
Name: E. Brill
Name: Instituut Kern (1927)
Name: Universitaire Pers Leiden (1982-1993)
Name: Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (1880)
Name: Dropsie University, Philadelphia (1950)
Name: Maissonneuve (Parijs) (1950)
Name: A. W. Sijthoff (1856)
Name: J. K. Steenhoff (1863)
Name: S. C. van Doesburgh (1887)
Name: Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University (1954)
Name: Sir Thomas Browne Institute (1982-1983)
Name: Universitaire Pers Leiden (1982-1983)
Name: Royal Asiatic Society (1979)
Name: Rijksherbarium (1986)
Name: Royal Asiatic Society (1979)
address: Leiden
Period: 1813 - 1999
Period: 18XX
Period: 19XX

Exploitatie Maatschappij van Dagbladen - biographical data

Name: Exploitatie Maatschappij van Dagbladen
Name: Exploitatie Maatschappij van Dagbladen en Periodieken
Name: Sijthoff, A. W.
address: Den Haag
Period: 1911-1930

Frentzen Albert Willem - biographical data

Name: Frentzen, Albert Willem
Name: Sijthoff's Uitgeversmaatschappij, A. W.
Period: 1878-1937

Frentzen Carl Georg - biographical data

Name: Frentzen, Carl Georg
Name: Rotterdamsch Nieuwsblad
Name: Sijthoff's Uitgeversmaatschappij, A. W.
Period: 1846-1914

Gaade W. - biographical data

Name: Gaade, W.
Name: Unieboek
Name: Leemhuis, J.
Name: Garden, Th. G. van der
Name: Sijthoff, F. W.
Name: Jansen, J.N.A.
Name: Ruter-Tollenaar, Johanne Josephine
Name: Lindlinger, H. C.
Name: Beck, M.
Name: Oort, Yvonne R. C. van
Name: Sijthoff, A.
address: Delft
address: Den Haag
address: Amerongen
address: Veenendaal
address: Houten
Period: 1952-1958
Period: 1958-1974
Period: 1974-1985
Period: 1985-1988
Period: 1988-1988

G. Henri Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: G. Henri Sijthoff
address: Leiden
Period: 1882 - 1884
Period: geen

Haagsche Courant - biographical data

Name: Haagsche Courant
Name: Bruna Boekhandels
Name: Sijthoff, F. W.
Name: Sijthoff, A. G.
address: Zoetermeer
Period: 1972-1980

Haagsche Courant - biographical data

Name: Haagsche Courant
Name: Sijthoff, Albert
Name: Sijthoff Jr, A. W.
Name: Sijthoff, Henri
address: Den Haag
Period: 1883-....

Hendrik Sijthoffs Financieele Bladen - biographical data

Name: Hendrik Sijthoffs Financieele Bladen
address: Amsterdam
Period: 1982 - 1982
Period: geen

Henri J. Stemberg - biographical data

Name: Henri J. Stemberg
Name: Martinus Nijhoff (1880)
Name: A. W. Sijthoff(1880)
address: Den Haag
Period: 1879 - 1884
Period: geen

Klein Breteler A. A. - biographical data

Name: Klein Breteler, A. A.
Name: Breteler, A. A. Klein
Name: Sijthoff International Publishing Company, A. W.

Kok Jan Hendrikus - biographical data

Name: Kok, Jan Hendrikus
Name: Sijthoff, A. W.
Name: Zalsman
Name: Kok, J. H.
Period: 1871-1940

La Br‚e Jan - biographical data

Name: La Br‚e, Jan
Name: Sijthoff's Uitgeversmaatschappij, A. W.
Period: 1854-1926

Leidsche Dagblad Het - biographical data

Name: Leidsche Dagblad, Het
Name: Leidsch Dagblad, Het
Name: Sijthoff, A. W.
Name: Sijthoff, Gerard Henri
Name: Henny, Johan Willem
address: Leiden
Period: 1905-....?

Luithing-Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: Luithing-Sijthoff
address: Utrecht
Period: 1990 - 1990
Period: geen

Luitingh - biographical data

Name: Luitingh
Name: Luitingh, A. J.
Name: Combinatie, De
Name: Skarabee
Name: Luitingh-Sijthoff
Name: Luitingh, Antonius Josephus
Name: Luitingh-Zetstra, N.
Name: Houbolt, Peter J.
Name: Groot, Bert de
Name: Kluwer
Name: Veen Uitgevers Groep
Name: Novapres
Name: Boek Promotions
address: Amsterdam
address: Laren
address: Utrecht
Period: 1946-1966
Period: 1966-1981
Period: 1982-1989

Luitingh-Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: Luitingh-Sijthoff
Name: Luitingh-Sijthof
Name: Luitingh-Sythoff
Name: Luitingh/Sijthoff
address: Utrecht
Period: 1989 - 1996
Period: geen

Luitingh-Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: Luitingh-Sijthoff
address: [S.l.]
Period: 1991 - 1991
Period: geen

Luitingh- Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: Luitingh- Sijthoff
Name: Luitingh Sijthoff
Name: Veen/Luitingh-Sijthoff/Kosmos/Contact/Reflex
Name: Luiting-Sijthoff
address: Amsterdam
Period: 1991 - 1999
Period: geen

Luitingh-Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: Luitingh-Sijthoff
Name: Luitingh
Name: Sijthoff, A. W.
Name: Groot, Bert de
Name: Guiking, Peter
Name: Veen Uitgevers Groep
Name: Piramide
Name: Poema
Name: Zomer & Keuning
address: Utrecht
address: Amsterdam
Period: 1989-1993
Period: 1993-....

Luiting-Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: Luiting-Sijthoff
address: Utrecht
Period: 1992 - 1992
Period: geen

Martinus Nijhoff - biographical data

Name: Martinus Nijhoff
Name: Marinus Nijhoff
Name: M. Nijhoff
Name: Martin Nijhoff
Name: M. Nijhoff
Name: Martinum Nijhoff
Name: Mart. Nijhoff
Name: M. Nijhoff
Name: A.W. Sijthoff (1872-1914)
Name: D. A. Thieme (1868-1878)
Name: Henri J. Stemberg (1880)
Name: Rijkscommissie voor Vaderlandse Geschiedenis (1987)
Name: International Union of Local Authorities (1963-1965)
Name: Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indië (1869-1894)
Name: Commission of the European Communities (1979-1980)
Name: Sijthoff (1898-1914)
address: Den Haag
Period: 1854 - 1999
Period: geen

Noordhoff International - biographical data

Name: Noordhoff International
Name: Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers
Name: Landwehr, J. H.
Name: Schrijver, W. P. N.
address: Leiden
address: Alphen aan den Rijn
Period: 1974-1977
Period: 1977-1977

Rijks-Instituut voor Pharmacotherapeutisch Onderzoek - biographical data

Name: Rijks-Instituut voor Pharmacotherapeutisch Onderzoek
Name: A.W. Sijthoff (1925-1929)
address: Leiden
Period: 1922 - 1922
Period: geen

R. N. Bookshop - biographical data

Name: R. N. Bookshop
Name: Rotterdamsch Nieuwsblad
Name: Rotterdamsch Nieuwsblad Centrum
Name: Bruna Boekhandels
Name: Evers, C. H.
Name: Sijthoff, A. G.
address: Rotterdam
address: Vlaardingen
address: Schiedam
Period: 1970-1970
Period: 1970-1972
Period: 1972-1973
Period: 1973-1992

Rotterdamsch Nieuwsblad - biographical data

Name: Rotterdamsch Nieuwsblad
Name: Sijthoff, C.
Name: Dalen, J. van
Name: Geerling, E. W.
address: Rotterdam
Period: 1878-....?

Samsom Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: Samsom Sijthoff
address: Alphen aan den Rijn
Period: 1976 - 1993
Period: geen

Samsom-Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: Samsom-Sijthoff
Name: Luitingh-Sijthoff
Name: Samsom Grafische Bedrijven
Name: Sijthoff Drukkers en Binders, A. W.
Name: ICU
address: Alphen aan den Rijn
Period: 1972-19..?

Scheltema & Holkema - biographical data

Name: Scheltema & Holkema
Name: Sijthoff (1903)
address: Leiden
Period: 1903 - 1903
Period: geen

Scheltema & Holkema - biographical data

Name: Scheltema & Holkema
Name: Scheltema & Holkema's Boekhandel & Uitgevers-Mij N.V.
Name: Scheltema & Holkema's Boekh.
Name: Scheltema & Holkema's Boekhandel en Uitgevers-Maatschappij
Name: Scheltema & Holkema's Boekhandel (K. Groesbeek)
Name: Scheltema & Holkema (Groesbeek)
Name: Scheltema's & Holkema's Boekhandel
Name: Scheltema en Holkema's boekhandel
Name: Scheltema & Holkema etc.
Name: Scheltema & Holkema's Boekhandel en Uitgevers-Mij.
Name: Scheltema & Holkema N.V
Name: Scheltema en Holkema's boekhandel
Name: Scheltema & Holkema's boekhandel
Name: Israel (1960)
Name: K. Groesbeek (1891)
Name: Groesbeek (1892)
Name: Groesbeek & Nijhoff (1931)
Name: Sijthoff (1903)
address: Amsterdam
Period: 1866 - 1987
Period: 192X

Schrijver W. P. N. - biographical data

Name: Schrijver, W. P. N.
Name: Nijgh & Van Ditmar
Name: Mouton & Co.
Name: Samsom
Name: Belinfante
Name: Sijthoff, A. W.
Name: Tjeenk Willink, H. D.

Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff
Name: Sythoff
Name: Scheltema & Holkema (1903)
address: Leiden
Period: 1854 - 1977
Period: 19XX

Sijthoff - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff
Name: Scheltema & Holkema (1903)
address: Amsterdam
Period: 1903 - 1903
Period: geen

Sijthoff A. - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff, A.
Name: Sijthoff, Albert
Name: Sijthoff Jr, A. W.
Name: Garden, Th. G. van der
Name: Sijthoff, Albert Georg
Name: Sijthoff, Fredrik Willem
Name: Labohm, K. H.
Name: Nouwen, J. J.
Name: Hoefnagels, H. A. M.
Name: Sijthoff, F. A.
address: Den Haag
Period: 1917 fl.

Sijthoff Albert - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff, Albert
Name: Haagsche Courant
Period: 1853-1927

Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers
Name: distributed by Sijthoff & Noordhoff International
address: Groningen
Period: 1978 - 1978
Period: geen

Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers
Name: Sijthoff and Noordhoff International Publishers
address: Alphen aan den Rijn
Period: 1964 - 1981
Period: geen

Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers
Name: Sijthoff & Noordhoff
address: Den Haag
Period: 1980 - 1980
Period: geen

Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers
Name: Sijthoff & Noordhoff
Name: Noordhoff
Name: [vervolgens] Alphen aan den Rijn : Sijthoff & Noordhoff]
address: Leiden
Period: 1972 - 1976
Period: geen

Sijthoff, A.W. - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff, A.W.
address: Leiden
Period: 1850 - 1851

Sijthoff, A.W. - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff, A.W.
Name: Zie ook: Leiden
address: Rotterdam
Period: 1878-1879

Sijthoff A. W. - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff, A. W.
Name: Sijthoff Drukkers en Binders, A. W.
Name: Sijthoff's Boekdrukkerij
Name: Looy, S. L. van
Name: Luijtingh-Sijthoff
Name: Frentzen, Carl Georg
Name: Frentzen, Albertus Willem
Name: Looy, Simon George van
Name: Flines, G. de
Name: Meulen, W. K. D. van der
Name: Schueller, W. W.
Name: Schrijver, W. P. N.
Name: Pruyt, F. H.
Name: ICU
Name: Wolters Samsom Groep
Name: Wolters Kluwer Bedrijfsinformatie
address: Leiden
address: Alphen aan den Rijn
address: Amsterdam
Period: 1851-1975
Period: 1975-1983
Period: 1983-....

Sijthoff A. W. - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff, A. W.
Name: Fuhri, K.
Name: Maatschappij tot exploitatie van Sijthoff's gebouwen
Period: 1829-1913

Sijthoff, A.W. - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff, A.W.
Name: Zie ook: Rotterdam
address: Leiden
Period: 1851-1885

Sijthoff, A.W. en C.G. Frentzen - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff, A.W. en C.G. Frentzen
address: Rotterdam
Period: 1881-1885

Sijthoff/De Sleutelpers - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff/De Sleutelpers
address: Leiden
Period: 1945 - 1945
Period: geen

Sijthoff en Beyers - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff en Beyers
address: Leiden
Period: 1882 - 1882
Period: geen

Sijthoff, G. - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff, G.
address: Leiden

Sijthoff Gerard Henri - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff, Gerard Henri
Name: Sijthoff, A. W.
Period: 1859-1917

Sijthoff International - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff International
address: Leiden
Period: 1976 - 1976
Period: geen

Sijthoff International Publishing Company A. W. - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff International Publishing Company, A. W.
Name: Sijthoff's Uitgeversmaatschappij, A. W.
Name: Sijthoff, A. W.
Name: Sythoff, A. W.
Name: Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers
Name: Landwehr, J. H.
Name: Schrijver, W. P. N.
Name: Verweij, C.
Name: Samsom
address: Leiden
Period: 1851-1977

Sijthoff Jr - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff Jr
address: Den Haag
Period: 1895 - 1895
Period: geen

Sijthoff Jr., A. - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff Jr., A.
address: 's-Gravenhage
Period: 1882

Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers
Name: Sijthoff International Publishing Company
Name: Noordhoff International
Name: Wolters Kluwer Academic Publishers
Name: Visser, A.
address: Alphen aan den Rijn
Period: 1977-....?

Sijthoff Pers - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff Pers
Name: Sijthof Pers
address: Rijswijk
Period: 1982 - 1999
Period: 19XX
Period: 197X

Sijthoff Pers - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff Pers
address: Rotterdam
Period: 1982 - 1982
Period: geen

Sijthoff Pers - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff Pers
Name: Sijthoff Pers BV
address: Den Haag
Period: 1977 - 1999
Period: geen

Sijthoff Pers - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff Pers
Name: Sijthoff, Hendrik
Name: Sijthoff's Financieele Bladen, Hendrik
Name: Sijthoff, Hendrik Albert Henri
Name: Wegeling, L.
Name: Nouwen, J. J.
Name: Bakker, Th. S.
Name: Bartels, R. W.
Name: Geerling, H. H.
address: Amsterdam
address: Den Haag
Period: ....-....?
Period: ....-....

Sijthoff Pers - biographical data

Name: Sijthoff Pers
Name: Sijthoff's Financieele Bladen
Name: Hendrik Sijthoff's Financieele Bladen N.V., Het Financieele Dagblad
Name: N.V. Hendrik Sijthoff's Financieele Bladen
Name: Hendrik Sijthoff's Financieele Bladen bv
address: Amsterdam
Period: 1946 - 1983
Period: geen

Tango - biographical data

Name: Tango
Name: Tango/Sijthoff
Name: Meulen, W. K. D. van der
Name: Bom, P.
Name: Schller, W. W.
Name: Sijthoff, A. W.
address: Leiden
Period: 1973-1975

Tersteeg Johan - biographical data

Name: Tersteeg, Johan
Name: Tersteeg, J.
Name: Eilkema de Roo, J.
Name: Leiden, J. T. van
Name: Tocht, Simon van der
Name: Farrington, Frans
Name: Bloch, Evert
Name: Sijthoff, A. W.
Name: Leidsche Uitgeversmaatschappij
Name: Uitgever, De
Period: 1873-1953

Tjeenk Willink - biographical data

Name: Tjeenk Willink
Name: Sijthoff (1973)
address: Zwolle
Period: 1973 - 1973
Period: geen

Veen Uitgevers Groep - biographical data

Name: Veen Uitgevers Groep
Name: Boekenwereld
Name: Luitingh-Sijthoff
Name: Atlas
Name: Contact
Name: Piramide
Name: Veen, L. J.
Name: Kosmos-Z&K
Name: Wolters Kluwer
address: Utrecht
Period: 1989-....

Waalwijk D. A. van - biographical data

Name: Waalwijk, D. A. van
Name: Sijthoff, A. W.
Period: 1853-1937

Wolters Samsom Groep - biographical data

Name: Wolters Samsom Groep
Name: ICU
Name: Informatie en Communicatie Unie
Name: Samsom
Name: Sijthoff, A. W.
Name: Wolters-Noordhoff
Name: Wolters Kluwer
Name: Samsom, Ridderus Hendrik
Name: Flines, G. de
Name: Beumer, R.
Name: Kist, Joost
Name: Ververs, Meindert
Name: Tjeenk Willink, H. D.
address: Alphen aan den Rijn
address: Zwolle
Period: 1970-1973
Period: 1973-1988

Images about Sijthoff*

Advertisement from A. W. Sijthoff, 1896