4.0: 1830 - 1910 - Introduction

Various important developments and changes occurred during this period compared to the previous one, caused because the Netherlands, partly as a result of the French period (1795-1813), had lost its international position as a book-trading nation and was now primarily dependent on the domestic market. The changes may be categorised in terms of industrialisation, rationalisation, commercialisation and literacy.

With respect to industrialisation the first change to be mentioned has to be the installation of the cylinder press at the Enschedé firm (1829) which marked the beginning of the gradual departure from manual production methods for books and periodicals. Whereas the introduction of the iron hand press (1819) had pushed the wooden hand press further and further into the background, especially after 1850, innovations and applications quickly followed one another in the field of new printing techniques and illustrative techniques. The invention of lithography and steel engraving gradually displaced etching and copper engraving and, in addition, the introduction of the cylinder press, the high-speed press and the rotary press increased printing capacity from 150 to 200 sheets per hour (one-sided print) to 12,000 per hour (both sides printed).

The use of the new printing and illustration techniques brought about considerable changes to the appearance of books, but the introduction of the industrial publisher's binding and the transition from paper made from rags to acid paper made from wood-pulp also gave books and periodicals a new look. At the end of the century the 'Nieuwe Kunst' (Dutch Art Nouveau) movement would rebel against this industrially produced printed matter. The installation of Monotype type setting machines and Linotype type setting machines ensured that the manual production of newspapers and other periodical publications decreased more and more.

The new methods of producing books and periodicals brought about growth in the range of titles from about seven hundred titles in 1830 to three thousand per year by 1900. An increase in the range on offer was created not only by the rise of popular periodicals for all kinds of specific target groups (among others women, children, hobbyists), but also by the expansion in the area of teaching aids after the introduction of new subjects at primary schools (1857) and the establishment of new types of schools such as the HBS (Secondary Modern School) (1863). At the same time, the growth in the population from 2.1 million around the year 1800 to 5.2 million by the year 1900 and the increasing number of retailers from 700 to 1,750 enforced rationalisation in, among others, the distribution of books and periodicals. The opening up of the 'the empty countryside' by way of infrastructural measures, such as railways, canals and roads, made the distribution of printed material much easier and quicker. Although up until the 1830s this still took place through contacts between publisher-booksellers via commission selling, correspondents in Amsterdam gradually took over the distribution of books. During the 1860s, this system, under the influence of the Vereeniging ter Bevordering van de Belangen des Boekhandels (Association for the Promotion of the Interests of the Book Trade = VBBB), was rationalised further in the form of a Bestelhuis (distribution office) for the book trade.

Rationalisation within the professional body also took place. Although from 1815, the VBBB had united all publisher-booksellers under its wing, conflicting interests gradually brought about the creation of separate organisations for publishers, the NUB (Dutch Publishers Association) in 1880 and for retailers NDB (Dutch Retailers Association) in 1907. Partly under the influence of increasing competition, printers and illustrators also began to organise themselves. A certain degree of professionalisation in the book trade was visible in that professional training was introduced for the various trade groups. The author also emerged as a serious party towards the end of this period through the Vereniging van Letterkundigen (Association of Writers) which was established in 1905. This ensured that the Copyright Act of 1881, which at last had determined that a work was the intellectual property of the author or his assignees, in practice also led to further improvements in the position of the author. The traditional bookseller-publisher, with his fixed clientele, was faced with increasing competition due to the increase in the number of retailers and the growth in supply. This led, on the one hand, to increasing differentiation between publishers and retailers and, on the other hand, to the commercialisation of the way in which remainders from publisher's lists were traded. Whereas these were originally auctioned to colleagues only in the event of closing down, bankruptcy or death, in the year 1857 A.C. Kruseman first held an 'interim' stock auction open to outsiders as well. Continuing commercialisation could be seen in the way in which publishers and retailers sold their books. Colleagues and the public were encouraged to buy through lotteries, premiums, discounts, gifts, etcetera. Offering books on approval, by subscription and in instalments were other methods to convince hesitant buyers. Diversification in the editions formed, on the one hand, a way to sell old titles again in a cheaper form and, on the other hand, brought the same title to different groups of buyers. The hawker and/or agent was used as a way to find buyers in the countryside, especially for expensive de luxe editions which appeared in instalments.

An ever-increasing proportion of the population was being given the opportunity to obtain knowledge through growing literary socialisation via reading circles, libraries for the common man, reading libraries and shop libraries. The time spent on reading increased in absolute terms due to inventions such as gas lighting and the electric light bulb, but also increased in relative terms because the average age of people rose from 35 in 1830 to 60 in 1910. The reduction in the working week from about 80 to 60 hours or even less also offered, as did increased wages, more time and opportunity to spend time with books and periodicals. Newspapers, in particular, were more widely distributed following the abolition of the newspaper tax (1869) and were used more and more as an advertising medium. A more aggressive market approach was clearly reflected in the nature of book advertisements.

Only in 1900, with the Primary Education Act that introduced compulsory schooling for children from 6-12, was literacy in principle guaranteed for all. New buyers were found not only because the books could be produced more cheaply, but through distribution channels such as the first Dutch secular book club, the Wereldbibliotheek: the Society for Good and Cheap Literature, which was established in 1905.

The exact interaction between the various developments is difficult to establish, but it is clear that the combination of different factors led to increasing democratisation in reading. It must, however, be remembered that, in spite of general literacy by the year 1910, the degree of actual participation in the reading culture was still greatly dependent on factors such as education, religion, gender, income and place of residence. Large sections of the population did not participate at all, or only to a small extent, for whatever reason in the reading culture in the year 1910.

author: B.P.M. Dongelmans


marbled paper

Definition: decorated paper with a marbling effect produced by placing drops of colour on a liquid surface (the marbling size), using a marbling trough.

brocade paper

Definition: kind of decorated paper: hand-made paper, coloured with a brush on one side on which a (imitation) gold leaf decorative pattern or picture is printed.

laid paper

Definition: hand-made paper or (mostly) imitation hand-made paper with a fine screen of water lines.

glossy coated paper

Definition: highly-glossed paper.

hand-made paper

Definition: hand-made paper, laid or not, made with a mould, usually with watermark and deckle edges.

wood-pulp paper

Definition: paper containing ground wood-pulp with many small impurities, usually easily torn; cheap but not durable.

wood-free paper

Definition: paper that does not contain wood-pulp, but which is made from pure cellulose and/or cotton or linen rags. It has a beautiful colour and is durable.

paper boys

Definition: person who daily delivers a paper in the letterbox of readers with a subscription.

lignin-rich paper

Definition: kind of ligneous paper: lignin is an element of wood. It causes a rapid ageing of paper whose fibrous composition consists partly of lignin.

Lombardy paper

Definition: name for imported paper of Italian origin, common until the end of the 17th century.

rag paper

Definition: kinds of paper that have been made entirely of rags. As soon as rags are only partly used in a kind of paper, then this is rag-content paper.

machine-made paper

Definition: paper made using a paper machine

marbled paper

Definition: kind of paper used inter alia for bindings: paper on which - by a special process - a decorative pattern, which sometimes resembles marble, is created by applying a thin layer of paint of two or more colours, or paper printed with an imitation resemblingit.

bulky paper

Definition: paper which combines great thickness with a relatively light weight (used by publishers to make small books look more voluminous).

acid-free paper

Definition: paper with a neutral pH value (about pH 7), mainly used in conservation and restoration.


Definition: general term for a material produced in the form of reels or sheets, formed by draining a suspension of vegetable fibres (rags, straw, wood, etc.) on a sieve and usually used, after sizing, for writing, drawing or printing; the name 'paper' is used for aweight of up to about 165 g/m2, 'cardboard' or 'board' for a higher weight.

permanent paper

Definition: alkaline paper which satisfies international standards as regards composition and physical properties, so that a durability of at least 150 years is guaranteed.

Troy paper

Definition: name for imported paper of French origin, used until the end of the 17th century.

paper finishers

Definition: workmen in a printing office who hang the damp paper up to dry on a line after it has been printed.

paper conservation

Definition: the restoring, stopping or preventing paper decay caused by acidification and wear and tear.

paper mills

Definition: industrial concern in which paper is produced on a large scale.

paper manufacturers

Definition: 1. owner, employer of a papermill. 2. producer of hand-made paper.

paper formats

Definition: dimensions of a sheet of paper.

paper wholesale businesses

Definition: company that resells large quantities of paper, supplied by producers, to printing offices and other businesses.

paper trade

Definition: economic activity of trading paper, i.e. the buying and selling of paper, as intermediary between production and consumption.

paper traders

Definition: someone whose profession is trading paper.

paper industry

Definition: collective name for all branches of industry concerned with the production of paper.

paper machines

Definition: machine with which paper is formed, pressed, dried and smoothed, from cellulose fibres and other paper ingredients. The result is turned into rolls or cut into sheets.

paper mills

Definition: water mills or windmills where the production of handmade rag paper took place. The drive mechanism of the mill was used to move the beaters loosening the rag fibres.

paper research

Definition: 1. testing paper to judge its appropriateness for a certain use. 2. analysis of paper to determine age or origin.

paper production

Definition: 1. the total of paper produced. 2. paper making.

kinds of paper

Definition: collective name for variants in paper, originating in the use of different raw materials, sizes and production methods.

paper splitting

Definition: in book restoration: the splitting of paper into two layers which are pasted together again after a support layer has been placed in between.

paper treaters

Definition: labourers in a printing office who wet the paper before printing, so that the ink is absorbed better.

decorated paper

Definition: collective name for all sorts of decorated paper whose decoration has come into being either during the manufacturing process or by graphic or other final processing of the sheet of paper.

woodblock paper

Definition: kind of decorated paper printed by means of wooden blocks, which are frequentlyderived from cotton print-works, with a decorative pattern in one or more colours; used especially in the 18th and 19th centuries for covers, endpapers and as pasting materialfor the boards of books.

wove paper

Definition: non-laid hand-made paper, sometimes with a watermark in the bottom edge of the paper