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Anonymous after Abraham Bosse, De corte leere ofte gereformeerde schoole, c. 1645

Bosse, Abraham (illustrator)
Beusecom, Françoys van (uitgever/publisher)
year: ca. 1645

type: prent
detail: nee
dimensions: 40,5 x 53,6 cm.
related terms: leesonderwijs alfabetisering
period: 17e eeuw
M3: Maatschappijwetenschappen

contents: This print is engraved after a representation of a French classroom by the French artist Abraham Bosse. The picture has been somewhat adapted to the Dutch situation. It concerns a chic school: in general situations were far more rough in our classrooms. The print is supplied with a poem with a mocking comment on Dutch reading and spelling. According to the poet this education took far too much time and was not very effective. `Reformed' here means `renewed'.

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Amsterdam Rijksmuseum Rijksprentenkabinet


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