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Illustration by Reinier Vinkeles in "De man in de vier tijdperken zijns levens", Haarlem, 1809

Vinkeles, Reinier (illustrator)
Vinkeles, Reinier (graveur/engraver)
Loosjes Pz., Adriaan (uitgever/publisher)
year: 1809

type: illustratie
detail: nee
dimensions: 13,5 x 9 cm.
related persons: Vinkeles, Reinier
related terms: illustraties gravure illustratoren
period: 19e eeuw
E: Boekillustratie

contents: In the 1770s a more academically oriented , neo -classical technique of illustrating arose, and the draughtsman/engraver Reinier Vinkeles (1741-1816) is one of its major representatives. The emphasis is on a clear drawing of the figures and on avoiding all too realistic elements. Vinkeles engraved his designs himself.

source: Loosjes, A. (Pz.). - De man in de vier tijdperken zijns levens. - Haarlem: A. Loosjes Pz., 1809, vóór p. 170
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 390 D 16

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek


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