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Binding by S.H. de Roos, 1913

Roos, S.H. de (boekbinder/bookbinder)
year: 1913

type: boekband
detail: nee
dimensions: 24 x 16 cm
related terms: dichtbundels boekbanden goudstempeling
period: 20e eeuw
D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst

contents: The second edition of Leopold's poems (the first had been published without his knowledge in 1912) was published by W.L. & J. Brusse, and composed with the Hollandsche Mediaeval, laid-out and provided with this binding by S.H. de Roos. De Roos was employed by the 'Lettergieterij Amsterdam', but also worked for a long time for W.L. & J. Brusse in Rotterdam. The binding is a good late example of Nieuwe Kunst (Dutch Art Nouveau), a movement at the root of De Roos's work.

source: Leopold, J.H. - Verzen / door J.H. Leopold. - Rotterdam: W.L. & J. Brusse, 1913
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 165 E 53

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek


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