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Portrait of Christopher Plantin

Rubens, Peter Paul (schilder)
year: 1613-1616

type: schilderij
detail: nee
related persons: Plantijn, Christoffel Moretus, Balthasar I
related terms: boekdrukkers uitgevers
period: 16e eeuw
D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst

contents: Christopher Plantin (Saint-Avertin nears Tours, c. 1520 - Antwerp, 1 July 1589) was the most important printer-publisher during the second half of the 16th century. In 1576 he moved his internationally renowned printing shop "De Gulden Passer" ("The Golden Compass") to the Vrijdagmarkt in Antwerp. Plantijn and his descendants and successors (de Moretuses) would continue the Officina Plantiniana for three hundred years. This portrait of Plantin at the age of sixty-four was made under commission of Balthasar I Moretus between 1613 and 1616 by Peter Paul Rubens, after the copy of a 1584 painting by an unknown 16th-century master.

source: Antwerpen Museum Plantin-Moretus
©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Antwerpen Museum Plantin-Moretus


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